Kimi Ceridon

Freelance Writer, Essayist, Recipe Writer, Blogger & Aspiring Memoirist

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I'm Kimi Ceridon. I am a freelance writer and blogger offering conversational, formal or scholarly content, essays and articles in technology, food & wine, women's issues, and cultural identity.

Featured Articles

EcoDesign and Design for Sustainability Considerations to Reduce Environmental and Business Liabilities

Offering a portfolio of professional education programs and services for engineers, managers, technical professionals, and partner organizations.

Read at University of Wisconsin Product Liability Conference

Life Cycle Assessment 101: Why Does it Matter?

Understanding life cycle assessment is important for product engineers and designers, as it is a tool that uses quantifiable analysis to evaluate sustainability metrics. As these tools and skills develop over time, they also lead themselves to ever more sustainable future products.

Read at
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